CAN YOU help us
make this SHORT FILM?
What the film is about:
The Psychological Drama, titled "Mind of Thoughts”, explores the power of the universal mind through Elle Davis, a young artist struggling to break free from destructive thoughts.
The moment that her thoughts come alive, her internal and external life gets turned upside down. To get what she wants, she will have to take a big leap of faith.
This is a film needed right now.
Thoughts are immensely powerful yet extremely overlooked. They determine how we feel, what we decide, what we do – every part of our life that we can control. Every thought we experience creates a chemical reaction in the brain which then triggers an emotion.
An average person has about 70,000 thoughts per day, of which 80% are negative. It's a driving force behind sadness, anxiety, depression, and even suicide. More than 700,000 people die due to suicide every year. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds.
So many talented people, of any age, give up on their goals - or their life - because they unconsciously repeat this negative pattern in their mind.
Through this film, we want to raise awareness of the power of our thoughts and how it impacts our lives on a daily basis.
the plan:
Directional Tone and Cinematography is influenced by The Beguiled (Sofia Coppola), The Tragedy of Macbeth (Joel Coen), Big Little Lies (Jean-Marc Vallee), and Peter Lindbergh's photography.
Written and Directed by Charlotte Verminck.
The short film will be shot with a professional crew.

Brienne Mizell
Elle Davis

What our goal entails:
Charlotte Verminck's vision as a filmmaker, besides inspiring and engaging the viewer, is to put as many creative people with ambition on the map as possible. She wants to give people who have a passion for their craft, whether professional or new to the game, the opportunity to grow and live their dreams.
Therefore, the film will have its own in-person premiere where an official behind the scenes documentary will also be shown. In addition, the short film will get submitted to various international film festivals to maximise its worldwide exposure.
We work together with a professional producer, cinematographer, choreographer, high fashion stylist, and collaborate with an American composer to compose an original soundtrack for the film. On top of this, professional dancers joined our team.
For years, I’ve struggled with the believe “I'm not good enough” or “I should do better”. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Since a young child, I’ve been incredibly fascinated with books about improving your life. I always expected I would read about a magical trick that could cure my inferiority complex.
A few years and about 50 books later, I realized that that miraculous sentence would never appear, but slowly started to comprehend that the things we feel and believe always lead back to one thing: our thoughts.
The more I started researching and talking to other people about this topic, the more living proof I received of the power of a thought. We all struggle sometimes, but for some people some struggles last a lifetime because they didn’t discover the influence of a thought.
Therefore, I grew more and more passionate to talk about this power - a power we all have within us. In my opinion, the awareness of this force of our mind can change so many lives for better.
With love of the art,
What you get in return:
Company name mention on:
Begin credits of the film
The official behind the scenes documentary
Every poster we share & hang
The official website of the film to which we will lead all our online/offline traffic
All social media outlets: Facebook/Instagram
Invitation to exclusive in-person premiere of the film in professional cinema
Exclusive screening of the behind the scenes documentary screening after the film
Cozy reception with drinks after screening
as individual
Invitation to the exclusive in-person premiere of the film in professional cinema
Exclusive screening of the behind the scenes Documentary screening after the film
Cozy reception with drinks after screening